Message of the Chairman

Advanced Manpower Development Association (AMDA), Empowering Skills Worldwide



In the name of Allah, The Merciful. Its a matter of great pleasure that AMDA Research Foundation (ARF) has reached 6th year of its Birth. On this great occasion, I am happy to know that AMDA Research Foundation (ARF) is publishing its PROSPECTUS with enhanced Information. As we all know that ARF is a Research Based, non-Profit, philanthropic organization.

44years after liberation of our country we feel that the nation is still living around least development. If we look and analyze the growth of developed nations, we can see that they have advanced in science and technology enormously, as for example 70% of Singaporean and 20% of Indians are engaged in Technological education and/or Profession. But in our country the situation is frustrating. Our over all literacy rate is around 50% most of which are not in technological.

In Europe, America, Middle East and South Asia Skilled manpower is of great demand. Working towards growing a working force for these countries can help our nation to grow middle income country within short time. Specially I urge young unemployed people to take this challenge and take oath on this very great day of independence, to be equiped with modern day scientific training and education and lead this nation to her prosperity.

At last I wish all our brothers and sisters a great future.

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